

A broad range of expertise and extensive training allows us to provide you a comprehensive range of ENT services in Amritsar. We provide the complete diagnostic and treatment of disease and conditions. This is a speciality which deals with ear, nose and throat diseases, which includes most of the head and neck ailments. The department has state of art the diagnostic and therapeutic equipments.

Our Operation theatres have all the necessary equipment for Advanced ENT treatments. The Department is well prepared to take care of all Ear, Nose and Throat emergencies and has medical and paramedical professionals available.

Treatment of sinusitis and removal of nasal polyps using functional endoscopic sinus surgery, correction of excessive tearing and watery eyes by reconnecting tear drainage pathways to the inside of the nose through minimally invasive techniques, and endoscopic repair of cerebrospinal fluid leaks and endoscopic pituitary surgery are performed. Minor procedures such as ear irrigation and ear piercing have become part of the department’s daily routine. Rigid bronchoscopy and rigid oesophagoscopy to remove foreign bodies are also performed regularly.